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A cover for ceiling fan blades and motor

This invention relates generally to ceiling fans but more particularly to removable covers for blades and motor housing. 

Background Ceiling fans are very useful and practical to have as they procure air circulation and an appreciated cool breeze on a hot day or night. Unfortunately, the top side of the blades of those fans tend to accumulate a lot of dust, especially when they are not used over long periods of time. 

In situations where a ceiling fan is located in or near a kitchen, airborne grease or oil, such as produced when cooking, can settle onto the top of the blades and the dust that follows will stick on that greasy surface and compound the problem.

A propos

A leader in invention protection in Quebec since 2001, Inventarium was founded by Daniel Paquette, inventor of the school bus remote arm and holder of several other successful inventions, to enable inventors in Quebec and across Canada to protect and patent their invention ideas at a fraction of the cost of patent agencies.


Nous rejoindre

Leader en protection d'inventions au Québec depuis 2001, Inventarium a été fondée par Daniel Paquette